Mississippi Turning
Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking event featuring Mississippi-born rapper and activist Genesis Be, alongside Assistant Chief Victor Green from the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety. This special event will include an advanced screening of the powerful documentary "Mississippi Turning", which follows Genesis Be and her former high school classmate from Mississippi as they seek common ground over the deeply divisive symbol of the Confederate flag on the state’s flag.
Through their journey of dialogue and understanding, "Mississippi Turning" captures the complexities of heritage, identity, and progress, making this a timely and compelling conversation. Following the screening, Genesis Be and Assistant Chief Green will lead an interactive discussion on reconciliation, activism, and bridging divides in our communities.
This event is free to attend. Please register in advance to give us an accurate headcount.
When: Monday, October 22, 2024 at 5:00-6:30 PM
Where: Student Center Ballroom B, Western Michigan University