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Heterodox Academy
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March 11, 2025
+Institutional Neutrality

Heterodox Academy Releases Report Tracking Institutional Statement Neutrality Policy Wave Across the Academy

Heterodox Academy (HxA), a non-partisan, non-profit organization that advocates for open inquiry in research and teaching across higher education, has just released a first-of-its-kind report on institutional statement neutrality. The report analyzes the catalysts for adoption, traces what kinds of institutions adopted such policies, reveals how statement neutrality became a policy at these institutions, and examines variations on the content of the policies.

The HxA report, The Rising Tide of Institutional Statement Neutrality: How Universities Are Rethinking Institutional Speech, is the first to provide analyses about this unprecedented wave of policy change to sweep through the academy since Fall 2023. 

The HxA report shows:

  • 148 institutions had adopted a version of institutional statement neutrality by December 31, 2024;
  • 97% of statement neutrality policies are justified by appeal to the values of community and inclusion;
  • 88% of statement neutrality policies are justified by appeal to considerations of free speech/academic freedom;
  • 78% of institutions adopting institutional statement neutrality policies are public colleges or universities, with R1 research intensive universities representing the largest proportion of these policy adoptions at 35%;
  • 72% of institutional statement neutrality policies mandate that institutional leaders refrain from stating institutional positions on social or political issues, unless the institution’s mission is directly implicated;
  • 70% of policy adoptions involve action by governing boards, especially at public institutions of higher education. In some cases, such as in North Carolina, Indiana, and Utah, institutions are acting in direct response to state legislation.
Read the report

“At Heterodox Academy, we see statement neutrality as an important part of encouraging broader, richer discussions of controversial issues,” said Alex Arnold, Director of Research at HxA and lead report author. “When universities themselves don’t take sides, students and faculty will feel like they have more room to express—and debate—multiple perspectives. It’s about creating a campus climate where diverse viewpoints can thrive.”

Institutional Statement Neutrality has been a significant focus for HxA. Last February, HxA joined the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and the Academic Freedom Alliance (AFA) in calling on institutions to adopt statement neutrality to ensure individual members of campus communities feel comfortable expressing their views freely on contentious issues. Prior to the joint call, only 24 institutions appeared to have a policy on statement neutrality. By the end of the year, 148 institutions had a statement neutrality policy. The list of institutions compiled by HxA’ is the most comprehensive available anywhere.

The rapid adoption of institutional statement neutrality policies marks a major shift in how leaders of colleges and universities engage with broader societal debates. By refraining from taking institutional stances on contentious issues unrelated to their academic missions, universities can help create campus climates where diverse perspectives can flourish. These policies represent a critical step toward protecting free inquiry and intellectual freedom on campuses across North America.


About Heterodox Academy

Heterodox Academy (HxA) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization including thousands of faculty, staff, and students advocating for policy and culture changes that ensure our universities are truth-seeking, knowledge-generating institutions grounded in open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement. Founded in 2015 by Jonathan Haidt, Chris Martin, and Nicholas Rosenkranz, HxA has been working for a decade to educate academics about the value of viewpoint diversity in research and teaching and to create campus cultures in which open inquiry thrives. With 74 HxA campus chapters to date, and members at more than 1,800 institutions, HxA advances its mission through policy advocacy, member organizing, and a belief in the potential of our institutions of higher education.

Press Contact

Nicole Babaro

Director of Communications



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