LIVE EVENT: Measuring Campus Expression

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VT CC Meet up Event Flyer 1
November 21, 20243:30 pm EST
+In-person only

Virginia Tech Campus Community Meetup

Join the campus community at Virginia Tech for their next meetup!

We will be continuing our discussion on identity politics by looking at the how the topic intersects with higher education. Arianna Corradi and Joseph Bedford have kindly put together some curated readings for us to review prior to the meeting which I’ve listed below. Please keep in mind we are suggesting certain page numbers and sections from these readings, not all of them together, however, you are welcome to read each one in its entirety.

  • Viewpoint #1: “Academic Ideals: What Keeps Some Out of Reach?” pp. 11-22 from An Inclusive Academy (Stewart & Valian, 2018).
  • Viewpoint #2: Sections 1, 3, 4 & 9 from Johnathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff’s article “The Coddling of the American Mind” from the September 2015 issue of The Atlantic. Additionally, Sections 1, 3 & 4 from Rita Koganzon’s 2024 article “The Coddling of the American Undergraduate” from Hedgehog Review.

We encourage you to invite a friend! The best way to build our HxA Campus Community is through word of mouth. These meetings are an opportunity to foster dialogue across difference, build shared understanding, and model the values that HxA stands for including intellectual humility, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement. Hopefully, in the process, we will not only get to know new people around campus but also deepen our understanding of each other.


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