Nominations for HxA’s 2025 Open Inquiry Awards Now Open Through April 6
Heterodox Academy’s annual Open Inquiry Awards highlight individuals, groups, and institutions who do exemplary work promoting open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement — providing models that others can learn from, be inspired by, and emulate.
We are pleased to open nominations for this year's awards through April 6, 2025. We encourage you to submit your nominations for any of the five awards, detailed below. Nominees are required to be an HxA member by April 6, 2025 to be eligible to receive the award. Nominators do not need to be an HxA member; self-nominations are accepted. This year's winners will be celebrated at the 2025 Heterodox Academy Conference taking place June 23-25 in NYC.
To submit your nomination(s), complete this short form which requires a 500-word maximum explanation of why the nominee is deserving of the specific award for which they are being nominated for. You will need to complete a new form for each award nomination. See below for award descriptions.
HxA Open Inquiry Awards
Leadership Award: For the person who has most effectively championed the principles of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement in the academy and beyond.
Courage Award: For the person who has demonstrated consistent courage in pursuing truth, and embodies bravery in championing the principles of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement in the academy despite social and professional costs.
Exceptional Scholarship Award: For the academic(s) who, through research or another form of scholarship, has best advanced knowledge of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, or constructive disagreement.
Teaching Award: For the educator(s) who has most effectively integrated open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, or constructive disagreement into the classroom and/or curriculum.
HxA Community Excellence Award: For the HxCommunity or Campus Community that has done the most to advance or sustain open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement in their discipline, academic setting, region, or campus.
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Your generosity supports our non-partisan efforts to advance the principles of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement to improve higher education and academic research.