University of California, Los Angeles

The UCLA Campus Community (HxA – UCLA) aims to protect and advance the ideals of academic freedom, robust exchange of ideas, and intellectual diversity at UCLA.
Do you believe in open inquiry? A group of courageous professors and students have come together on the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus because they believe in open inquiry, too. Will you help them? Your donation will help the HxA Campus Community at UCLA put on events that support the cause of open inquiry. As a supporter, you will receive invitations to HxA campus events, and updates on HxA activities on your campus and on other campuses all around the country.
Meet the leaders building the UCLA Campus Community
Richard Sander
Dukeminier Distinguished Professor of Law, UCLA, and co-director, UCLA-RAND Center for Law and PolicyLi Cai
Professor of Education and Psychology, UCLA, and Director, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student TestingMatt Malkan
Distinguished Professor of Astronomy, UCLAFind HxA Members On This Campus
Your generosity supports our non-partisan efforts to advance the principles of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement to improve higher education and academic research.