In too many college and university campuses, the academic and social climate discourages heterodox views and questions.
Our annual Campus Expression Survey shows that nearly two-thirds of students are reluctant to share their views in class, fear peer retribution for heterodox views, and worry that their perspectives will be labeled “offensive” by other members of the community. These statistics highlight the shadow threat to viewpoint diversity that exists across campuses.
We believe campuses, classrooms, and research labs must be spaces wherein climates of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement thrive. This means invited speakers should be heard and met with rigorous and respectful engagement, no one on campus should be compelled to express particular views on contested questions, and The HxA Way is common and expected practice across modes of engagement on campus.
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- Rutgers University Faculty Unions’ Support for Academic Boycott Threatens Academic FreedomDecember 23, 2024+Campus Climate
- Heterodox Academy Survey Shows Student Reluctance to Discuss Controversial Topics is a Universal Problem Across the AcademySeptember 24, 2024+Viewpoint Diversity+Campus Climate
- Heterodox Academy Survey Shows Students Are Reluctant to Honestly Discuss Israeli-Palestinian ConflictJuly 15, 2024+Viewpoint Diversity+Campus Climate
- University Presidents Discuss Loss of Public Trust – and the Principles Needed to Regain it – at Heterodox Academy ConferenceJune 14, 2024+Campus Climate+Campus Policy+Open Inquiry
- Heterodox Academy and BridgeUSA Receive Grant from Arthur Vining Davis Foundations to Host Campus ConversationsJune 5, 2024+Constructive Disagreement+Campus Climate
- The Mike & Sofia Segal Center Hosts Seminar with Inaugural and Incoming Fellows to Conclude its First YearMay 17, 2024+Campus Climate+Academic Careers
- Where HxA Stands on the Campus Protests: A Letter from the PresidentMay 7, 2024+John Tomasi+Campus Climate+Campus Policy+Open Inquiry+Viewpoint Diversity+Institutional Neutrality
- Heterodox Academy Publishes First Report from the 2023 Campus Expression SurveyApril 23, 2024+Viewpoint Diversity+Campus Climate+Open Inquiry
Your generosity supports our non-partisan efforts to advance the principles of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement to improve higher education and academic research.